Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Breakfast is the most important meal...

My dad does french toast. It's his thing. He's made it for as long as I can remember, whether the family was spending the weekend at my Grandma's place in the mountains or my brother and I just happened to wake up at an acceptable hour on a Saturday. He once told me that he made breakfast because he wanted to have the first opportunity to make someone smile in the morning.

I don't do french toast. In fact, there are few things I actually do when it comes to food besides boil, defrost, and heat up. My dad's theory about smiles has traveled with me to New York, however, and I've been known to cook up omelettes for friends spending the weekend. I'm not yet sure if omelettes are "my thing" but I really enjoy finding new recipes and trying my hand with different ingredients. I like the feeling of gathering individual pieces and building them into something new, which I can in turn share it with others (at least a photograph).

I plan to spend most of my blogging time on the various recipes I tackle as well as perhaps the occasional account of my trips to Pathmark. Who knows, I may veer off the path once in a while, but for the most part, I love food and I think I'm going to love writing about it.

Oh, and even though I do omelettes, it wasn't until just last month that I managed to fry an egg. Where I come from, it's called a dippy egg, so I thought that was a logical place to start. And so begins my Life Beyond the Recipe.

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